Fertility & Obstetrics
Cystozym ®
Cystozym is a combination of ingredients designed to maintain Urinary Tract and Bladder Health
Fertizym ®
Fertizym is specifically formulated to support Male pre-conception and Reproductive System Health
Fertizym Plus ®
A unique combination of patented Glutathione, Lycopene, Vitamins, Minerals & Antioxidants developed to support Male Fertility & Spermatogenesis
Folazym ®
Primary Biologically Active Form of Folate.L-Methyl Folate is useful for all Females intending to get Pregnant especially the ones with family history of Neural Tubular Defect or Preterm Birth
Galactozym ®
Galactozym supports Postpartum Lactation via its specific blend of organic herbs that support healthy Milk production, like Fenugreek, Milk Thistle and Fennel Seed
Hemazym ®
Ideal Iron supplement, essential for healthy Red Blood Cell Formation and reduction of Tiredness & Fatigue
Inozym ®
Inozym promotes Hormonal Balance to regulate Irregular Menstruation and Ovulation
Lidozym ®
Lidozym is designed to support Women Libido to support Sexual Vitality and Pleasure
Ovazym ®
Ovazym supports Female Fertility with a unique blend of Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants
Ovazym Plus ®
Ovazym Plus is a Reproductive Booster with a powerful Antioxidant Formulation
Pregnazym ®
Contributes to Maternal Tissue Growth during Pregnancy and Normal Cell Division