Galactozym ®
Postnatal Formula For Lactation, Brain & Eye Development
Galactozym is a specific Postnatal Formulation designed to meet the Nutritional Needs of Breastfeeding Mom and Breastfed Baby.
Galactozym is formulated with Organic ingredients and combines three of the most trusted and widely used herbs to support a Healthy Milk Supply.
Galactozym also contains EPA/DHA, Iodine and Vitamin D3. EPA & DHA support Healthy Brain and Visual development in infants. Iron contributes to Normal Growth & Cognitive Development of Children. Vitamin D is essential for Breastfed Infants and supports Strong Bones and Teeth Development.

Product Composition
Active IngredientPer 1 SoftgelOmega3 DHA/EPA250/50 mgVitamin E5 mgActive IngredientPer 1 Hard CapsuleOrganic FenugreekSeed Powder400 mgOrganic FennelSeed Extract100 mgVitamin C70 mgOrganic Milk ThistleExtract (80% Silymarin)50 mgIron Bisglycinate28 mgVitamin B310 mgVitamin B21.4 mgVitamin B11.4 mgFolic Acid400 mcgIodine150 mcgSelenium50 mcgVitamin D310 mcgVitamin B126 mcg